Custom Clean

Dumble style amp based on the legendary amp of Stevie Ray Vaughn,John Mayer,Eric Johnson. The cathode follower driver tube in the poweramp, which widely used in HiFi and Bass amps, ensures the crystal clean sound even on maximum volume. Infinite sustain, that could normally be produced by an overdriven amp on full blast. HI-FI quality 3D sound and great dynamics, headroom and extreme sensitivity make the Custom Clean unique.
- single clean channel
- available in 100/150W
- power tube options: 6L6/KT66/KT88/6550
- spring reverb (3x12ax7) with send/return pots
- 7 position Hi/Low filter
- 3 band eq
- passive effects loop
Sound Samples:
New Drive

The New Drive is Dumble style amplifier, based on the legendary amp of Robben Ford.
The clean channel has Fender Blackface-like crystal clean sound, that can be boosted to creamy, mid-heavy blues overdrive. The overdrive channel is based on the amp’s clean channel with an added extra gain stage, a gain and a volume potmeter to get real smooth but still very pronounced blues or rock tones.
- 2 channels clean/overdrive
- available in 50W/100W
- 6L6 power tubes (6V6 in case of 22W)
- 4/8/16 ohm speaker out
- passive effects loop
- 2 channel footswitch (preamp boost/channel switch)
Available options:
- tube buffered fx loop
- tolex,suede and grill color choice
Sound Samples:
The circuit of this amplifier is based on the classic American circuit at the end of the 1950s, which was later used by the legendary British manufacturer in the 1960s. The changes of those models have been incorporated into the Horizon as a switchable feature. By those options the amp can produce warm, creamy tone that makes American blues tones really shine, or cry and sing like a legendary British rock amp.
- available in 50/100W
- two channels Normal/Bright (bridgeable)
- 3 position NFB switch
- 6L6 /KT66 / EL34 power tubes
- 3x12ax7 preamp tubes
- GZ34 rectifier tube
Available options:
- PPIMV (Master volume)
- available as 1×12 combo as well, with optional speaker
- tube buffered fx loop
- tolex choice option
Sound Samples:
NewDrive Reverb
The NewDrive Reverb is a dual channel amplifier based on the Overdrive Reverb #060 circuit. I fine-tuned to reach the great Robben Ford’s sound. The clean channel has Fender Blackface-like crystal clean sound, that can be boosted to creamy, mid-heavy blues overdrive. The overdrive channel is based on the amp’s clean channel with an added extra gain stage, a gain and a volume potmeter to get real smooth but still very pronounced blues or rock tones. Description:
HI-FI quality 3D tube reverb sound , great dynamics and endless headroom.Price:
- Dual channel
- available in 50W and 100W (incl. half power switch)
- 6L6 power tubes
- Three-tube reverb unit with send/return pots
Available options:
- Footswitchable preamp boost
- passive or tube buffered fx loop
- tolex,suede and grill choice option
- EVM12L (+300€)