As you may have noticed this site is about handmade tube amps, effect pedals and some other guitar and music related gear that I build.
The obsession started in the early 90’s when I started playing the guitar and soon after that, repairing and building tube amps and effects. My studies at an aircraft mechanic school helped me a lot, where I normally met with Russian military airplanes and high quality mil. spec. tubes were often present.
Slowly my hobby started to take the control over my life and in 2010 I launched S.L. Amps, a little manufacture in Budapest for building and repairing tube amps and effect pedals.
My main goal was to build great gears that inspire musicians so much as me. Using premium quality hand selected components is a must and makes the whole building process more interesting, exciting and every final test is a moment when the sound of amp shows that all the effort and hard work pays off.
All the transformers are handmade and built especially for me by a Hungarian manufacture. The output transformers are custom built based on my experiences. As a huge part of the sound, these transformers make my amp sound superb and unique.
I built several custom amps, where my customers had a huge role in the building process, finding the tone, the feel, and the most comfortable options and add-ons for their needs.
This experience finally led to four main models that usually cover every request form smooth jazz tones to dirty blues and heavy rock riffs. There are a few options to each model to get the required headroom, color option or an effect loop to fine tune those amps to your need. This method made the building process faster and a lot easier so I can now build your amp in a reasonable time and for a fine price.
I still build fully customized amps, but that process is longer and in case of foreign orders, quite difficult and more expensive in comparison to my regular-run models.
A few effect pedals still remained in the product line, mostly the ones that worked great with my amps, and some studio gears too that I found a nice challenge but also fun to build.
Thanks for all your attention and I hope you will soon became my customer who smiles in excitement when first switching on standby and strum a nice chord.
Have a great tone!